July 2018
Quasiboto is an open source robotics platform fully compatible with the DroidGuru platform. Quasiboto junior includes a laser and Quasibot Senior includes laser and Airsoft Gun.
Raspbery Pi Zero W
USB Port
Raspbian OS
8 megapixel native resolution high quality Sony IMX219 image sensor
Cameras are capable of 3280 x 2464 pixel static images
Capture video at 1080p30, 720p60 and 640x480p90 resolutions
1.12 µm X 1.12 µm pixel with OmniBSI technology for high performance (high sensitivity, low crosstalk, low noise)
Optical size of 1/4"
Wheel encoders
5mW 650nm Red Laser Diode
Taigen AirSoft Firing Unit (Quasiboto Senior)
Picon Zero board
full H-Bridge motor drivers with full forward/reverse and speed control. Up to 1.5A continuous per channel (2A peak)
6 general purpose output channels (5V) that can be set as: Digital, PWM, Servo, WS2812( aka neopixels)
4 general purpose inputs (5V) that can be Digital, Analog, DS18B20 (digital temperature sensor)
All inputs and outputs use 3-pin GVS connectors (Ground, Volts, Signal) - allowing 3-pin sensors, servos, etc. to plug straight in
Dedicated socket for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. Plug it straight in, or use jumper wires to mount it further away
5 GPIO signals, 5V, 3V and Ground brought out to a header
Powered by 5V portable phone charger Lithium Ion batteries