Players can use any Web browser to remotely control robot toys and engage in interactive game play with other internet users. This is an image of the user interface showing robot control virtual joystick, robot camera view (left), playing filed camera view (right), scoreboard (Top) and status message areas (button left and right)
Architecture diagram of online robot gaming concept
Robo Derby sequence diagram
Players can use any Web browser to remotely control robot toys and engage in interactive game play with other internet users. This is an image of the user interface showing robot control virtual joystick, robot camera view (left), playing filed camera view (right), scoreboard (Top) and status message areas (button left and right)
Robo Derby
July 2011
Players can use any Web browser to remotely control robot toys and engage in interactive game play with other internet users.
Players control the movement of thier robot using a virtual joystick controller of the UI.
Players can view the entire playing field and thier own robot mounted camera previews in real time.
Players score points by finding items in a scavanger hunt style time limited contest.
Rejected patent application (US20120238366 A1)